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School Blog Post

Writer's pictureThe New Zealand School Jakarta

The Concept of Kotahitanga

Kotahitanga is a Māori term which means togetherness. It emphasises the concept of unity and working together to achieve common goals. As one whānau, we must extend awhina (support) to others and unite to protect our environment and uplift each other.

We recognize that serving our students and nurturing children ‘takes a village’. For this reason, we partner with the ‘whānau’, a Maori term for extended family or community. In practice, this means working closely with parents, guardians and families as the main asset in their children’s lives.

In order for children to feel a sense of togetherness, it is important for them to feel involved and part of the school community with regular opportunities to connect with their teacher, friends and family members. We are a small school for whom relationships and a strong sense of community are paramount to who we are. Learners, families, teachers and staff should feel a strong sense of belonging in a community that is supportive and responsive.

At New Zealand School Jakarta, we understand that to make a positive impact in our world, we must mahi tahi (work together) and have a united vision. This unity springs from our diversity and teaches children that although we have differences in nationality, race, language, gender, religion, etc, we are all part of the same community and can learn from each other to make a better world for the future.

By Tim Maitland

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